eTRIMS - E-Training for Interpreting Images of Man-Made Scenes
project results:

Detection of Repeated Structures in Facades

Susanne Wenzel

Symmetric and repeated structures are typical properties for man made objects. Thus, finding such features in a scene may be indicative of the presence of man made objects. Additionally, a compact description of the found regularities can be suitable as mid-level feature for model-based learning.
An algorithm for identifying and outlining facades of buildings using the regularity of their windows is proposed. This method finds and explicitly represents repetitive structures and thus gives approximate outlines of facades. No explicit notion of a window is used, thus the method also appears to be able to identify other man made structures, e.g. paths with regular tiles.
A method to infer a compact description of the structure from found repeated structures is proposed. The description consists of a hierarchy of translations and their appropriate numbers of repetitions.


[1] Susanne Wenzel, Martin Drauschke and Wolfgang Förstner. Detection of repeated structures in facade images. In Proceedings of the OGRW-7-2007, 7th Open German/Russian Workshop on Pattern Recognition and Image Understanding. August 2023, 2007. Ettlingen, Germany. [pdf].