Home > 04-Estimation > GHM > Functions-GHM > GaussHelmertModelGroups.m



% Gauss Helmert Model for Groups


function [est_x,Cov_xx,sigma_0q,R,vv,Xv,Rim,nabla_lv,muv,muv1,Uv1q,Uv2]=GaussHelmertModelGroups(lm,Cov_ll_m,cg_f,xa,ux,sx,Tx,maxiter,rU)


% Gauss Helmert Model for Groups

 g_i(^l_i,^x) = 0  group of constraints

 all observational groups have the same dimension d_I
 all observational groups are mutually uncorrelated
 all groups of constraints have the same size d_G
 constraints must not overlap, ie must not use the same observation
 covariance matrix of estimates is assumed to be full
 Only one vector of unknowns
 no robust estimation

 lm       = I x d_I matrix of observational groups
 Cov_ll_m = I x d_i^2 matrix of vectorized covariance matrices
 cg_f     = d_G x 1 constraint function -> cg, A, B
 xa       = Ux1 vector of approximate parameters
 ux       = function to update parameters x = ux(xa,dx)
 sx       = Ux1 vector of standard deviations of parameters
 Tx       = threshold for convergence
 maxiter  = maximum number of iterations
 rU       = range of unknown parameters of interest

 est_x    = Ux1 estimated parameter
 Cov_xx   = UxU theoretical covariance matrix of estimated parameters
                may be full
 sigma_0q = estimated variance factor (=1 if R=0)
 R        = redundancy
 vv       = Ixd_I vector of estimated corrections
 Xv       = Ix1 vector of Xhi^2-test statistic (using sigma_0=1)
 Rim      = I x d_I^2 redundancy matrices as row vectors
 nabla_lv = Ix1 minimum detectabele outlier
 muv      = Ix1 vector of senstivity factors wrt to all parameters
 muv1     = Ix1 vector of senstivity factors wrt to selected group
 Uv1q     = I x d_I^2 matrices of contributions to selected group
 Uv2      = I x d_I^2 matrices of contribution to remaining parameters


 Wolfgang Förstner 2016-06-06


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 %% Gauss Helmert Model for Groups
0002 %
0003 % g_i(^l_i,^x) = 0  group of constraints
0004 %
0005 % all observational groups have the same dimension d_I
0006 % all observational groups are mutually uncorrelated
0007 % all groups of constraints have the same size d_G
0008 % constraints must not overlap, ie must not use the same observation
0009 % covariance matrix of estimates is assumed to be full
0010 % Only one vector of unknowns
0011 % no robust estimation
0012 %
0013 % lm       = I x d_I matrix of observational groups
0014 % Cov_ll_m = I x d_i^2 matrix of vectorized covariance matrices
0015 % cg_f     = d_G x 1 constraint function -> cg, A, B
0016 % xa       = Ux1 vector of approximate parameters
0017 % ux       = function to update parameters x = ux(xa,dx)
0018 % sx       = Ux1 vector of standard deviations of parameters
0019 % Tx       = threshold for convergence
0020 % maxiter  = maximum number of iterations
0021 % rU       = range of unknown parameters of interest
0022 %
0023 % est_x    = Ux1 estimated parameter
0024 % Cov_xx   = UxU theoretical covariance matrix of estimated parameters
0025 %                may be full
0026 % sigma_0q = estimated variance factor (=1 if R=0)
0027 % R        = redundancy
0028 % vv       = Ixd_I vector of estimated corrections
0029 % Xv       = Ix1 vector of Xhi^2-test statistic (using sigma_0=1)
0030 % Rim      = I x d_I^2 redundancy matrices as row vectors
0031 % nabla_lv = Ix1 minimum detectabele outlier
0032 % muv      = Ix1 vector of senstivity factors wrt to all parameters
0033 % muv1     = Ix1 vector of senstivity factors wrt to selected group
0034 % Uv1q     = I x d_I^2 matrices of contributions to selected group
0035 % Uv2      = I x d_I^2 matrices of contribution to remaining parameters
0036 %
0037 % [est_x,Cov_xx,sigma_0q,R,vv,Xv,Rim,nabla_lv,muv,muv1,uv1q,uv2]=...
0038 %     GaussHelmertModelGroups(lm,Cov_ll_m,cg_f,xa,ux,sx,Tx,maxiter,rU)
0039 %
0040 % Wolfgang Förstner 2016-06-06
0041 % wfoerstn@uni-bonn.de
0043 function [est_x,Cov_xx,sigma_0q,R,vv,Xv,Rim,nabla_lv,muv,muv1,Uv1q,Uv2]=...
0044     GaussHelmertModelGroups(lm,Cov_ll_m,cg_f,xa,ux,sx,Tx,maxiter,rU)
0046 %% initialization ---------------------------------------------------------
0047 % numbers N, G, and U
0048 % numbers I, d_I
0049 [I,d_I]    = size(lm);
0050 [cg,Am,Bm] = cg_f(lm(1,:)',lm(1,:)',xa);
0051 nz_A = size(Am,2);
0052 nz_B = size(Bm,2);
0053 d_G        = size(cg,1);
0054 N          = size(Cov_ll_m,2);
0055 G          = I * d_G;
0056 U          = size(xa,1);
0058 % redundancy
0059 R = G-U;
0060 if R < 0
0061     disp('not enough observations')
0062     return;
0063 end
0064 %% initialization ---------------------------------------------------------
0065 nu  = 0;                    % index of iterations
0066 la  = lm;                   % matrix of approximate fitted observations
0067 lnu = la;                   % matrix of current fitted observations
0068 xnu = xa;                   % vector of approxmate parameters
0069 s   = 0;                    % iteration indicator
0071 Am     = spalloc(G,U,G*d_G*nz_A);
0072 Bmt    = spalloc(G,N,G*d_G*nz_B);
0073 Cov_ll = spalloc(N,N,N*d_I^2);
0074 W_gg   = spalloc(G,G,G*d_G^2);
0076 for iter = 1: maxiter
0078     for i=1:I
0079         % residual constraints, Jacobains
0080         [cg_i,Amt_i,Bmt_i] = cg_f(lm(i,:)',lnu(i,:)',xnu);
0081         Am((i-1)*d_G+1:i*d_G,:)                 = Amt_i;                    %#ok<*SPRIX>
0082         Bmt((i-1)*d_G+1:i*d_G,(i-1)*d_I+1:i*d_I)= Bmt_i;
0083         cg((i-1)*d_G+1:i*d_G)                   = cg_i;
0084         Cov_ll_i                                = reshape(Cov_ll_m(i,:),d_I,d_I);
0085         % weight matrix of lv
0086         Cov_ll((i-1)*d_I+1:i*d_I,(i-1)*d_I+1:i*d_I) ...
0087             = Cov_ll_i;
0088         % weights of constraints
0089         W_gg_i     = inv(Bmt_i * Cov_ll_i * Bmt_i');
0090         W_gg((i-1)*d_G+1:i*d_G,(i-1)*d_G+1:i*d_G)  = W_gg_i;
0091     end
0092     Bm=Bmt';
0093     ABWB     = Am'  * W_gg;
0094     Nm       = ABWB * Am;               % normal equation matrix
0095     nv       = ABWB * cg;               % right hand sides
0097     % dNmis    = diag(1./sqrt(diag(Nm))); % condition Nm
0098     % T_Nm     = dNmis * Nm * dNmis;
0099     lambda_N = eigs(Nm);
0100     if abs(log(lambda_N(1)/lambda_N(U))) > 10
0101         disp('normal equation matrix nearly singular')
0102         return;
0103     end
0104     Cov_xx  = inv(Nm);                  % CovM of parameters
0105     delta_x = Nm \ nv;                  % correction of parameters
0107     nu = nu+1;
0109     % check for final iteration
0110     if max(abs(delta_x(:)./sx(:))) < Tx || nu == maxiter
0111         s = 2;
0112     end
0113     % correction of parameters
0114     xnu = ux(xnu,delta_x);
0116     % dx   = delta_x'
0117     % nu_x   = [nu,xnu']
0119     vv        = lnu - lm;                          % v^a
0120     vv_vector = reshape(vv',I*d_I,1);
0121     % residual constraints, Jacobains
0122     delta_l   = Cov_ll * Bm * W_gg ...
0123         * (cg - Am * delta_x) - vv_vector;
0124     % delta_ls  = delta_l';
0125     lnu       = lnu + reshape(delta_l,d_I,I)';     % fitted observations
0126     % correction to fitted observations
0127     vv        = lnu - lm;                          % residual matrix
0128     vv_vector = reshape(vv',I*d_I,1);
0129     % Omega
0130     % from residuals of constraints,
0131     % also works if covariance matrix of observations is singular
0132     cg = cg - Am * delta_x;
0133     Omega = cg' * W_gg * cg;
0135     if s==2
0136         break;
0137     end
0138 end
0139 if R > 0
0140     sigma_0q = Omega/R;
0141 else
0142     sigma_0q = 1;
0143 end
0144 est_x = xnu;
0147 %% diagnostics (useful if observations are groupwise uncorrelated) --------
0149 [~,Xv,Rim,nabla_lv,muv,muv1,Uv1q,Uv2] = ...
0150     diagnostics_GHM_constraints_multi_d...
0151     (rU,I,d_I,d_G,Am,Bm,Cov_xx,Nm,W_gg,vv_vector);

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