Home > 16-Surface-Reconstruction > Surface-Reconstruction > Functions > estimate_dem_robust_2_plus.m



% robustly estimate correction to dem, using design matrix


function [weights,dx,v,W,Nmatrix]=estimate_dem_robust_2_plus(A,b,permx,N,U,Np,Nr,Mc,poi,weights,sigma_k,type_robust,L1,out_in,print_type)


% robustly estimate correction to dem, using design matrix

 Optimization function using curvature for regularization
   energy = sum_m rho(l_m-a_m)/sigma_n) +
             1/sigma_d sum_ij d_ii^2+2d_ij^2+djj^2
 l_m = observed heights, interpolated bilinearly
 a_m unknown grid heights, d_ij second derivatives


 A           = design matrix (sparse)
 b           = right hand sides
 N           = number of observations (points+second derivatives)
 U           = number of unknowns (dem)
 Np          = number of points
 Nr          = number of rows
 Mc          = number oc columns
 poi         = Npx4 matrix of points (x,y,h,sigma), x,y, referring to grid
 weights     = Nx1 vector of weights in [0,1]
 sigma_k     = standard deviation of second derivatives
 iter        = current iteration for controling weighting
 iter_switch = iteration number where to switch type of weighting
 type_robust = 0,1,2, (00,01,10) for points and dem
 L1          = 0/1 choice of weight function (0 = exponential, 1 = L1)
 out_in      = boolean Np-vector indicating inliers
 print_type  = 0,1,2,3
 plot_type   = 0,1,2

 weights   = new weights
 dx        = delta dem
 v         = normalized residuals
 W         = weigths of obs. combining uncertainty and robust factor
 Nmatrix   = normal equation matrix

 wf 7/204, 4/2018


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 %% robustly estimate correction to dem, using design matrix
0002 %
0003 % Optimization function using curvature for regularization
0004 %   energy = sum_m rho(l_m-a_m)/sigma_n) +
0005 %             1/sigma_d sum_ij d_ii^2+2d_ij^2+djj^2
0006 % l_m = observed heights, interpolated bilinearly
0007 % a_m unknown grid heights, d_ij second derivatives
0008 %
0009 % [weights,dx,v,W,Nmatrix]=...
0010 %     estimate_dem_robust_2_plus...
0011 %     (A,b,N,U,Np,Nr,Mc,poi,xa,weights,sigma_k,iter,iter_switch,type_robust,L1,...
0012 %     out_in,print_type,plot_type)
0013 %
0014 % A           = design matrix (sparse)
0015 % b           = right hand sides
0016 % N           = number of observations (points+second derivatives)
0017 % U           = number of unknowns (dem)
0018 % Np          = number of points
0019 % Nr          = number of rows
0020 % Mc          = number oc columns
0021 % poi         = Npx4 matrix of points (x,y,h,sigma), x,y, referring to grid
0022 % weights     = Nx1 vector of weights in [0,1]
0023 % sigma_k     = standard deviation of second derivatives
0024 % iter        = current iteration for controling weighting
0025 % iter_switch = iteration number where to switch type of weighting
0026 % type_robust = 0,1,2, (00,01,10) for points and dem
0027 % L1          = 0/1 choice of weight function (0 = exponential, 1 = L1)
0028 % out_in      = boolean Np-vector indicating inliers
0029 % print_type  = 0,1,2,3
0030 % plot_type   = 0,1,2
0031 %
0032 % weights   = new weights
0033 % dx        = delta dem
0034 % v         = normalized residuals
0035 % W         = weigths of obs. combining uncertainty and robust factor
0036 % Nmatrix   = normal equation matrix
0037 %
0038 % wf 7/204, 4/2018
0039 %
0041 function [weights,dx,v,W,Nmatrix]=...
0042     estimate_dem_robust_2_plus...
0043     (A,b,permx,N,U,Np,Nr,Mc,poi,weights,sigma_k,type_robust,L1,...
0044     out_in,print_type)
0046 Nmatrix=0;
0048 %% factor for update weights indicating outliers
0049 k= 3;
0051 %% start estimation
0052 if print_type > 1
0053     start_time_sol = cputime;
0054 end
0056 %b = zeros(N,1);
0057 %W = spalloc(N,N,N);
0058 W = zeros(N,1);
0060 % if print_type>0
0061 %     tic
0062 % end
0064 %% determine linearized observations dl by bilinear intoerpolation
0065 for p = 1:Np
0066    %W(p,p)= 1/poi(p,4)*sqrt(weights(p))*out_in(p);
0067    W(p)= 1/poi(p,4)*sqrt(weights(p))*out_in(p);
0068 end
0070 % if print_type > 0
0071 %     display(['Time for dl points = ',num2str(toc)])
0072 % end
0074 %% determin lineraized observations for priors
0076 % if print_type > 0
0077 %     tic
0078 % end
0079 % switch typec
0080 %     case 0
0081 Icc = Np;                            % first index for column curvatures
0082 Irr = Np + (Nr-2)*Mc;                % first index for row curvature
0083 Irc = Np + (Nr-2)*Mc + Nr*(Mc-2);    % first index for torsion
0084 % coefficients for column curvature
0085 % cc  1
0086 %    -2
0087 %     1
0088 Jcc = [-1,0,+1];                     % index vector
0089 Vcc = [ 1 -2 1];                     % coefficients
0090 wcc = 1/sigma_k;                     %/sqrt(6);  % /norm(Vcc)
0091 % coefficients for row curvature
0092 % rr  1 -2  1
0093 Jrr = [-Nr,0,+Nr];                   % index vector
0094 Vrr = [1 -2  1];                     % coefficients
0095 wrr = 1/sigma_k;                     % /norm(Vrr)
0096 % coefficients for torsion
0097 % rc  1  -1
0098 %    -1   1 ^
0099 Jrc = [-Nr-1,-Nr,-1,0];              % indices
0100 Vrc = [1 -1 -1 1];                   % coefficients
0101 wrc = 1/sigma_k/sqrt(2);             % for quadratic variation
0102 % built up of priors in A
0103 % column curvature
0104 for j=1:Mc
0105     for i=2:Nr-1
0106         Icc = Icc+1;
0107        %W(Icc,Icc)    = wcc * sqrt(weights(Icc));
0108         W(Icc)    = wcc * sqrt(weights(Icc));
0109     end
0110 end
0111 % row curvature
0112 for j=2:Mc-1
0113     for i=1:Nr
0114         Irr = Irr+1;
0115         %W(Irr,Irr)    = wrr * sqrt(weights(Irr));
0116         W(Irr)    = wrr * sqrt(weights(Irr));
0117     end
0118 end
0119 % torsion
0120 for j=2:Mc
0121     for i=2:Nr
0122         Irc = Irc+1;
0123         %W(Irc,Irc)    = wrc * sqrt(weights(Irc));
0124         W(Irc)    = wrc * sqrt(weights(Irc));
0125     end
0126 end
0127 % if print_type > 0
0128 %     display(['Time for dl priors = ',num2str(toc)])
0129 % end
0131 if print_type > 1
0132     time_for_building_dl=toc
0133 end
0135 %% solve
0137 if print_type > 0
0138     tic
0139 end
0141 Aperm    = A(:,permx);
0143 %[C,R]    = qr(W*A,W*b,0);
0145 Apermw =Aperm;
0146 for u=1:U
0147     Apermw(:,u)=W.*Aperm(:,u);
0148 end
0150 [C,R]    = qr(Apermw,W.*b,0);
0151 dxperm   = R\C;
0152 Pm       = speye(U);
0153 Pm       = Pm(:,permx);
0154 dx       = Pm*dxperm;
0156 % residuals (non-normalized)
0157 v = A*dx-b;
0159 % estimated sqrt of variance factor
0160 eso = norm(W.*v)/sqrt(N-U);
0162 if type_robust > 0
0163     % robust sigma_0 for points
0164     eso_p = median(abs(v(1:Np)))*1.48;
0166     % robust sigma_0 for curvatures
0167     eso_k = median(abs(v(Np+1:end)))*1.48;
0168     if print_type > 1
0169         est_s0_s0p_s0k=[eso,eso_p,eso_k]
0170     end
0172     % critical values
0173     kp = k*eso_p;
0174     kk = k*eso_k;
0176     if print_type > 1
0177         criticalvalue_kp_sigmap_kk_sigma_k=[kp,poi(1,4),kk,sigma_k]
0178     end
0179 end
0182 %% perform reqeighting on points or dem
0183 if L1  % for the first iterations
0184     % dem
0185     if type_robust == 1
0186         weights(Np+1:end) = min(1,1./(abs(v(Np+1:end))/kk+eps));
0187     end
0188     % points
0189     if type_robust == 2
0190         weights(1:Np) = min(1,1./(abs(v(1:Np))/kp+eps)).*out_in(1:Np);
0191     end
0192 else
0193     if type_robust == 1
0194         weights(Np+1:end) = exp(-abs(v(Np+1:end)).^2/kk^2/2)+0.0001;
0195     end
0196     if type_robust == 2
0197         weights(1:Np) = (exp(-abs(v(1:Np)).^2/kp^2/2)+0.0001).*out_in(1:Np);
0198     end
0199 end
0202 if print_type > 0
0203     display(['Time for solution  = ',num2str(toc)])
0204 end
0206 return

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