Home > General-Functions > SUGR > E-Matrix > sugr_estimation_algebraic_E_Matrix_from_point_pairs.m



% Algebraic estimation of E-Matrix from point pairs,


function [E,est_sigma_0,error] = sugr_estimation_algebraic_E_Matrix_from_point_pairs(P)


% Algebraic estimation of E-Matrix from point pairs, 
 assumption: independent observations
 assumption: points are conditioned.

 following Sect., p. 575
    with CovM following Sect.
 [E,est_sigma_0,error] = sugr_estimation_algebraic_E_Matrix_from_point_pairs(P) 

 P contains point pairs
 P.h = [X,Y]
 * X = N x 3 matrix of points 
 * Y = N x 3 matrix of points
 P.Crr = N x 4 x 4 contains reduced covariance matrix
 X(n,:) * E * Y(n,:)' = 0

 E      relatiove orientation
        E.bR = estimated homography with uncertainty, 
               using algebraic minimization, thus neglecting the accuracy
        E.Crr = CovM of reduced parameters, derived by variance propagation

 est_sigma_0  estimated standard deviation of constraint

 error   = 0  ok
         = 1  no basis found

 Wolfgang Förstner 2/2010

 See also sugr_E_Matrix, sugr_estimation_ml_E_Matrix_from_point_pairs


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 %% Algebraic estimation of E-Matrix from point pairs,
0002 % assumption: independent observations
0003 % assumption: points are conditioned.
0004 %
0005 % following Sect., p. 575
0006 %    with CovM following Sect.
0007 %
0008 % [E,est_sigma_0,error] = sugr_estimation_algebraic_E_Matrix_from_point_pairs(P)
0009 %
0010 % P contains point pairs
0011 % P.h = [X,Y]
0012 % * X = N x 3 matrix of points
0013 % * Y = N x 3 matrix of points
0014 % P.Crr = N x 4 x 4 contains reduced covariance matrix
0015 %
0016 % model
0017 % X(n,:) * E * Y(n,:)' = 0
0018 %
0019 % E      relatiove orientation
0020 %        E.bR = estimated homography with uncertainty,
0021 %               using algebraic minimization, thus neglecting the accuracy
0022 %        E.Crr = CovM of reduced parameters, derived by variance propagation
0023 %
0024 % est_sigma_0  estimated standard deviation of constraint
0025 %
0026 % error   = 0  ok
0027 %         = 1  no basis found
0028 %
0029 % Wolfgang Förstner 2/2010
0030 % wfoerstn@uni-bonn.de
0031 %
0032 % See also sugr_E_Matrix, sugr_estimation_ml_E_Matrix_from_point_pairs
0035 function [E,est_sigma_0,error] = sugr_estimation_algebraic_E_Matrix_from_point_pairs(P)
0037 % pair coordinates
0038 Ph   = P.h;
0039 % homogeneous coordinates
0040 xl = Ph(:,1:3);
0041 xr = Ph(:,4:6);
0042 % number of point pairs
0043 N = size(Ph,1);
0045 %%
0046 % estimate E algebraically using > 7 points
0047 %
0048 % build coefficient matrix
0049 A = zeros(N,9);
0050 for n = 1:N 
0051     % Kronecker 1x9 -matrix
0052     A(n,:)  = [xr(n,1)*xl(n,:), xr(n,2)*xl(n,:) xr(n,3)*xl(n,:)];
0053 end
0055 % partition
0056 N_rows = size(A,1);
0057 if N_rows == 8
0058     e = null(A);
0059     A_plus = A'*inv(A*A');                                                 %#ok<*MINV>
0060     est_sigma_0 = 1;
0061 else
0062     [U,D,V] = svd(A,'econ');
0063     % find algebraically best solution
0064     e        = V(:,9);
0065     % determine A+ = pseudo inverse of A with last singular value = 0
0066     Di          = inv(D+eps*eye(9));
0067     est_sigma_0 = sqrt(Di(9,9)/(N-5));
0068     Di(9,9)  = 0;
0069     A_plus   = V * Di * U';
0070 end
0071 E0   = reshape(e,3,3);
0073 % Enforce same eigenvalues == 1
0074 [U0,~,V0]= svd(E0);
0075 U0        = U0*det(U0);
0076 V0        = V0*det(V0);
0077 Ee        = U0 * diag([1,1,0]) * V0';
0079 % select from four cases
0080 [b,R] = sugr_select_bR_from_E_UV_uv(U0,V0,xl,xr);
0081 if norm(b) == 0
0082     E           = zeros(3);
0083     est_sigma_0 = 0;
0084     error       = 1;
0085     return
0086 end
0088 % determine CovM of residuals of constraints from x=xl, y=xr
0089 % (following Sect.
0090 % x' E y = g
0091 % d(x' E y) = d(g)
0092 % x' E dy + y' E' dx = dg
0093 %x' E Jyr dyr + y' E' Jxr dxr = dg
0094 %
0095 Cgg = sparse(zeros(N));
0096 for n=1:N
0097     x1    = xl(n,:)';
0098     x2    = xr(n,:)';
0099     % VarProp for g
0100     J_x = + x2' * Ee' * null(x1');
0101     J_y = + x1' * Ee  * null(x2');
0102     J = [J_x, J_y];
0103     % effect of both
0104     Cgg(n,n)  = Cgg(n,n) ...
0105         + J * squeeze(P.Crr(n,:,:)) * J'; %#ok<SPRIX>
0106 end
0108 % determine Crr for 5 parameters
0109 Chh = A_plus * Cgg * A_plus';
0111 E     = sugr_E_Matrix(b,R,Chh);
0112 error = 0;

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