This page contains all the information on the course Modern C++ for Computer Vision and Image Processing including all lecture videos (also available on YouTube), lecture slides, and the homework assignments.
Videos of the lectures
CPP-00 Modern C++: Course Introduction and Hello World (2018, Igor)
- Lecture_0: Course Introduction and Hello World
- Lecture_1: Variables, Basic Types, Control Structures
- Lecture_2: Compilation, Debugging, Functions, Header/Source, Libraries, CMake
- Lecture_3: Google Test, Namespaces, Classes
- Lecture_4: Move Semantics, Classes
- Lecture_5: Polymorphism, I/O, Stringstreams, CMake find
- Lecture_6: Static, Numbers in memory, Raw C arrays, Non-owning pointers, Classes in memory
- Lecture_7: Pointers, const with pointers, Stack and Heap, Memory leaks, Dangling pointers
- Lecture_8: Smart/Unique/Shared pointers, Associative containers, Type casting, Enumeration, Binary files
- Lecture_9: Templates, Iterators, Exceptions, Program input parameters, OpenCV
Homework Assignments:
- Text: Homework_1 Data: data
- Text: Homework_2 Data: igg_image
- Text: Homework_3 Data: igg_image
- Text: Homework_4 Data: homework_4
- Google Tests example project: googletest-example