| Wednesday, 20. September 2006 |
8:30 | | Welcome |
8:45-9:35 | | Keynote |
Reinhard Klein, Computer Graphics Group, Bonn University
| |
Shape Detection in Point Clouds
9:35-10:05 | | Session 1: Image Analysis |
O1 |
Matthias Butenuth
| |
Segmentation of Imagery Using Network Snakes |
10:05-10:30 | | Coffee break |
10:30-12:00 | | Session 2: Building Extraction I |
O2 |
Martin Drauschke, Hanns-Florian Schuster, Wolfgang Förstner
| |
Detectability of Buildings in Aerial Images over Scale Space |
O3 |
Franz Rottensteiner
| |
Consistent Estimation of Building Parameters Considering
Geometric Regularities by Soft Constraints |
O4 |
Norbert Haala, Susanne Becker, Martin Kada
| |
Cell Decomposition for the Generation of Building Models at Multiple Scales |
12:00-13:30 | | Lunch |
13:30-15:30 | | Poster session 1: |
P1 |
Fayez Tarsha-Kurdi, Tania Landes, Pierre Grussenmeyer, E. Smigiel
| |
New Approach for Automatic Detection of Buildings in Airborne Laser Scanner Data Using first Echo only |
P2 |
Lukas Zebedin, Andreas Klaus, Barbara Gruber and Konrad Karner
| |
Facade Reconstruction from Aerial Images by Plane Sweeping |
P3 |
Olaf Kähler, Joachim Denzler
| |
Detection of Planar Patches in Handheld Image Sequences |
P4 |
Matthias Heinrichs and Volker Rodehorst
| |
Trinocular Rectification for Various Camera Setups |
P5 |
Fabio Remondino
| |
Detectors and Descriptors for Photogrammetric Applications |
P6 |
Karin Hedman, Stefan Hinz, Uwe Stilla
| |
A Probabilistic Fusion Strategy Applied to Road Extraction from
Multi-Aspect SAR Data |
P7 |
Carles Matabosch, Elisabet Batlle, David Fofi and Joaquim Salvi
| |
A Variant of Point-to-Plane Registration including Cycle Minimization |
P8 |
Miriam Rehor, Hans-Peter Bähr
| |
Classification of Damaged Buildings from Laser Scanning Data |
P9 |
O. Tournaire, Nicolas Paparoditis, F. Jung, B. Cervelle
| |
3D Road-Marks Reconstruction from Multiple Calibrated Aerial Images |
P10 |
J. Göpfert, Christian Heipke
| |
Assessment of Lidar DTM Accuracy in Coastal Vegetated Areas |
15:30-16:00 | | Coffee break |
16:00-18:00 | | Session 3: Laser Range Data Analysis |
O5 |
Hermann Gross, U. Thoennessen
| |
Extraction of Lines from Laser Point Clouds |
O6 |
Sander Oude Elberink and George Vosselman
| |
Adding the Third Dimension to a Topographic Database Using Airborne Laser Scanner Data |
O7 |
Camillo Ressl, A. Haring, Christian Briese, Franz Rottensteiner
| |
A Concept For Adaptive Mono-Plotting Using Images and
Laserscanner Data |
O8 |
Wolfgang von Hansen
| |
Robust Automatic Marker-free Registration of Terrestrial Scan Data |
 | Thursday, 21. September 2006 |
8:30-10:00 | | Session 4: Surface Reconstruction and Analysis |
O9 |
Nicolas Champion and Didier Boldo
| |
A Robust Algorithm for Estimating Digital Terrain Models from Digital Surface Models in Dense Urban Areas |
O10 |
Fabio Remondino, Li Zhang
| |
Surface Reconstruction Algorithms for Detailed Close-Range Object Modelling |
O11 |
Pablo d'Angelo and Christian Wöhler
| |
Image-based 3D Surface Reconstruction by Combination of Sparse
Depth Data with Shape from Shading and Polarisation |
10:00-10:30 | | Coffee break |
10:30-12:00 | | Session 5: Building Extraction II |
O12 |
Helmut Mayer and Sergiy Reznik
| |
MCMC Linked With Implicit Shape Models and Plane Sweeping for 3D Building Facade Interpretation in Image Sequences |
O13 |
Laurence Boudet, Nicolas Paparoditis, Franck Jung, Gilles Martinoty, Marc Pierrot-Deseilligny
| |
A Supervised Classification Approach Towards Quality Self-Diagnosis
of 3D Building Models Using Digital Aerial Imagery |
O14 |
Mélanie Durupt, Franck Taillandier
| |
Automatic Building Reconstruction from a Digital Elevation Model and Cadastral Data : An Operational Approach |
12:00-13:30 | | Lunch |
13:30-15:30 | | Poster session 2 |
P11 |
Jihye Park, Impyeong Lee, Yunsoo Choi, Young Jin Lee
| |
Automatic Extraction of Large Complex Buildings Using Lidar Data and Digital Maps |
P12 |
Claus Brenner and Nora Ripperda
| |
Extraction of Facades using rjMCMC and Constraint Equations |
P13 |
Eckart Michaelsen, Wolfgang von Hansen, M. Kirchhof, Jochen Meidow, Uwe Stilla
| |
Estimating the Essential Matrix: GOODSAC versus RANSAC |
P14 |
László Havasi and Tamás Szirányi
| |
Extraction of Horizontal Vanishing Line Using Shapes and Statistical Error Propagation |
P15 |
Janet Heuwold
| |
Verification of a Methodology for the Automatic Scale-Dependent Adaptation of Object Models |
P16 |
Yeh Fen Yang, P. Lohmann, Christian Heipke
| |
The Application of Genetic Algorithm Integrated with Davies-Bouldin's Index on Unsupervised Classification of Satellite Images |
P17 |
Uwe Soergel, Hermann Gross, A. Thiele, U. Thoennessen
| |
Extraction of Bridges over Water in Multi-Aspect High-Resolution Insar Data |
P18 |
Ilkka Korpela
| |
3D Treetop Positioning by MultIple Image Matching of Aerial Images in a 3D Search Volume |
P19 |
Alexander Brzank and Christian Heipke
| |
Classification of Lidar Data into Water and Land Points in Coastal Areas |
P20 |
Dominik Lenhart, Stefan Hinz
| |
Automatic Vehicle Tracking in Low Frame Rate Aerial Image Sequences
16:00-21:00 | | Boat tour |
 | Friday, 22. September 2006 |
8:30-10:00 | | Session 6: Road and Vehicle Extraction |
O15 |
Helmut Mayer, Stefan Hinz, Uwe Bacher, and Emmanuel Baltsavias
| |
A Test of Automatic Road Extraction Approaches |
O16 |
O. Tournaire, Nicolas Paparoditis, F. Jung, B. Cervelle
| |
3D Road-Marks Reconstruction from Multiple Calibrated Aerial Images |
O17 |
Jens Leitloff, Stefan Hinz, Uwe Stilla
| |
Automatic Vehicle Detection in Satellite Images |
10:00-10:30 | | Coffee break |
10:30-12:00 | | Session 7: Lidar and SAR Processing |
O18 |
Josef Reitberger, Peter Krzystek, Uwe Stilla
| |
Analysis of Full Waveform Lidar Data for Tree Species Classification |
O19 |
Boris Jutzi, Uwe Stilla
| |
Precise Range Estimation on Known Surfaces by the Normalized Cross-Correlation Function |
O20 |
Franz Meyer, Stefan Hinz, Andreas Laika, Steffen Suchandt, Richard Bamler
| |
Performance Analysis of Spaceborne SAR Vehicle Detection and Velocity Estimation |
12:00-13:30 | | Lunch |
13:30-15:30 | | Session 8: Image Orientation |
O21 |
Fabio Remondino, Camillo Ressl
| |
Overview and Experiences in Automated Markerless Image Orientation |
O22 |
I. Kalisperakis, George Karras, L. Grammatikopoulos
| |
3D Aspects of 2D Epipolar Geometry |
O23 |
Justin Domke and Yiannis Aloimonos
| |
A Probabilistic Notion of Camera Geometry: Calibrated vs. Uncalibrated |
O24 |
Chris Engels, Henrik Stewenius, David Nister
| |
Bundle Adjustment Rules |
15:30-16:00 | | Coffee break |
16:00-16:30 | | Closing |